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A Taco Bell/KFC off of I-55.

Wow, time is passing by fast. We just rushed out of Memphis, stopped over in Graceland, drove like maniacs alongside the Mississippi and crossed two states to arrive late in the evening in St. Louis. Instead of finding a place to stay we were invited to visit boots contemporary art space (, where we warmly welcomed. We found ourselves at a fantastic outside garden party at boots contemporary art space . Juan, the host of that night, was so great to organize cooled wine, beer and champagne and of course people from the art scene in St. Louis to come by. A welcome breeze after hours of driving and heat.

The very next day, Paul Ha, from the Contemporary Art Museum in St. Louis welcomed us in his newly built museum space, right next to the Pulitzer Foundation.

Let me preface these photographs with a statement: I have always found the celebration of all things Elvis odd, if not downright creepy. That didn’t stop me from wanting to go to Elvis’s birthplace in Tupelo, and it wasn’t going to stop me from going to Graceland when we were in Memphis. I don’t call it buying into the clichés, I call it cultural tourism. Fortunately Charles and Kerstin needed no convincing.

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There she is, the Mecca of Rock n Roll. They’ll let anyone in, as long as you have 25$.

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Confederate Park, Memphis on the Mississippi.

We’re still not sure why there are 20th century artillery pieces pointing at Arkansas. Perhaps a left over from Bill Clinton’s gubernatorial administration?

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